3 Questions To Ask At Your Next Womens Health Exam

What questions should you ask your gynecologist during an annual women's health exam? Your yearly appointment may be coming up — and you want to prepare. Before you visit the women's health office for a check-up with an OBGYN, take a look at the below questions to put on your must-ask list.  Is a Pap Test Needed Right Now? The answer to this question depends on your age, past health history, and risk factors. [Read More]

Top Reasons To Make An Appointment With Your OBGYN Doctor Every Year

Too many people make the mistake of assuming that they only really need to see their OBGYN if they are pregnant or if they are currently experiencing trouble. This is not a mistake that you want to make. If you have not been to the gynecologist in a long time, it is probably about time you call and set up an appointment for yourself. To help you understand why this is such an important thing to do, you will want to check out the following. [Read More]

Gaining Weight? Your Thyroid May Be To Blame

As you age, you're going to carry your weight differently, and you will gain weight with time as well. As you get older, it's also more difficult to lose weight, as your metabolism is much slower than it once was. This may be because you aren't as active as you were in your younger days. If you are gaining weight, and you seem to have an even more difficult time losing it, your thyroid may be to blame. [Read More]

Questions to Ask Your OBGYN Near the Beginning of Pregnancy

When you realize that you are pregnant, one of the first things you'll need to do is contact an OBGYN and make an appointment. This is an important opportunity for your doctor to look you over, confirm the pregnancy, and make sure your baby is healthy so far. However, it's also a good opportunity for you to ask some questions. Read on to look at more info about the types of questions you should ask. [Read More]